Get ready for summer – get away and dance to some lovely destinations – LAPDANCE ABROAD THIS SUMMER
Summer is coming soon and LAPTASTIC will be offering contracts in LAPDANCE clubs in Ibiza, Marbella, Portugal & other areas of Spain. Accommodation provided, many other contracts will be coming soon follow LAPTASTIC on twitter #LAPDANCING Sign up to LAPTASTIC go to the website www.laptastic.com and go to dancer sign up. Fixed salary jobs available introduce your dancer friends to LAPTASTIC.#LAPDANCING LAP & POLEDANCING CLUBS WANTED, We have over 1500 Dancers on our agency books, if your a club feel free to contact …
Up to date Jobs with LAPTASTIC for LAPDANCING, save money on house fees find the perfect job if your a stripper or a POLEDANCER. Work in many destinations, Norway, Belgium, Paris, Marbella, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria. LAPDANCERS always wanted for our agency, latest jobs for March 2018 published on LAPTASTIC NEWS SECTION. Follow us on Facebook and twitter using the HASHTAG#LAPDANCING Sign up for free whilst you can from the homepage on WWW.LAPTASTIC.COM go dancer sign up.
Vacancies for LAPDANCERS are now in METROPOLIS IN LONDON. NO4 MAYFAIR GENTLEMANS CLUB. MAYFAIR CLUB IN LONDON needs professional lap dancers. #LAPTASTIC you need to sign up https://www.laptastic.com/register-interest
Become part of our agency and travel abroad and work in the UK many opportunities available for the reliable LAPDANCER OR STRIPPER. LAPTASTIC offers JOBS in EUROPE with accommodation and some with fixed daily salaries. Join the agency today it is free. www.laptastic.com and go dancer sign up.

Want to work abroad or in the UNITED KINGDOM, then you have come to the right place SIGN UP NOW LIMITED APPLICANTS REQUIRED, whether you are experienced or none experienced. Selection of clubs to work in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Brighton, London, Essex, Chelmsford, Portsmouth, Swindon. Guaranteed daily wage in MARBURG IN GERMANY, MUNICH IN GERMANY, BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG. Minimum 2 x week contracts abroad, accommodation also from 5 euro per day. Accommodation available in the UK. Private Parties and Limo Dancing available. JOIN …

Work in Leicester lapdance club a well established lapdancing club now requires lapdancers, accommodation is only £50 for 3 x nights or £80.00 to stay in accommodation for a full week and free transportation to the club and back to the accommodation. There is also no house fee so just pay commission. Lap Dancer Jobs in Leicester. Laptastic has Lapdancers lapdancing in Leicester at on a regular basis, now with Xmas now approaching it is important for lapdancers to stay at …

Fantastic Lapdancing Club in Lincolnshire has lapdancing jobs available now – accommodation available book for this week, if your new to lapdance then you will be given free training great honest management, lovely working atmosphere. Book today and make good money lap dancing this week call Jason 07831 880218. A well established lap dancing club based in town centre of Grantham Lincolnshire is looking for Lap dancers. Opening hours are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 21:30-04:15 Floor fee is £10/shift but …

Laptastic Has Immediate Positions Now For Lap Dance Club In Cork Ireland Free Accommodation – Lap dancers Wanted Now. Management at this Lapdancing Club is Excellent highly recommend lapdancers to work at this lap dancing Club. You get 50% off all dances and free accommodation is also available, it is a 2 x week minimum contract. Please call ASAP to make booking, there are only x 2 spaces so please be fast if you want to work at this lapdancing club. …

Many opportunities available lapdancing with laptastic. Lapdance abroad in Belgium, Marbella, Denmark, Norway, Paris, Ireland, Germany. Many lap dance jobs available in the UK, lapdance in Manchester, Watford, London, Kent, Brighton, London Croydon, London Mayfair. Training given, good professional reliable lapdancers wanted, many stripper jobs available look at https://www.laptastic.comand go to dancer sign up. Lapdancers sign up now for free go to https://www.laptastic.comand go to dancer sign up. Call now Jason 07831 880218 or 0044 7831 880218.

Lapdancers Wanted for Many Lapdancing Clubs, Make good money Lapdancing in Many UK Clubs. Good reliable Lapdancers wanted for the Laptastic lapdancing Agency. Lapdance in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Watford, Essex, Kent, Derby, Brighton. Jobs Abroad for Lap Dancing in Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal. Laptastic also wants good professional Lapdancing Clubs. Call Jason 07831 880218 or 0044 7831 880218.