EARN A EXTRA BONUS PERFORMING SHOWER SHOWS AT THIS CLUB – GET PAID UP TO 150 EURO EXTRA – SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS LIMITED SPACE FOR MARCH BOOK NOW CALL 07831 880218 Contract Details: Minimum 2 x week’s contract Club Opening Times: Club is open 7 days a week. Sunday – Thursday: 8 PM-4AM Friday & Saturday: 8 PM-5AM Requested Arrival Time of Dancers: Dancers must arrive no later than 30 minutes before opening and be ready to perform …

To work this week ahead you need to book your shifts by 9pm on a MONDAY every week to be guaranteed your LAPDANCE work. Lap dancer jobs available every week in many UK Lap Dancing Clubs. Shifts available in Manchester, Midlands, London and Southern areas. LAPTASTIC HAS NO house fee deals this week. Clubs in Aberdeen are needing dancers too with accommodation. Dancers get involved in our STAG PARTYS too coming soon. Work abroad with fixed salary jobs also available.
LAPDANCERS AVAILABLE for your Club, LAPTASTIC has a huge database of LAPDANCERS, we supply many clubs in ENGLAND and in the EUROPEAN SECTOR. Do not pay agency fees have the dancers come direct to you, we can offer you access to our database of over 1500 LAPDANCERS, why not try our banner advertising. Follow #LAPTASTIC on twitter Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Laptastic-International-199266146838827/ Tweets by Jason_Laptastic
Get ready for summer – get away and dance to some lovely destinations – LAPDANCE ABROAD THIS SUMMER
Summer is coming soon and LAPTASTIC will be offering contracts in LAPDANCE clubs in Ibiza, Marbella, Portugal & other areas of Spain. Accommodation provided, many other contracts will be coming soon follow LAPTASTIC on twitter #LAPDANCING Sign up to LAPTASTIC go to the website www.laptastic.com and go to dancer sign up. Fixed salary jobs available introduce your dancer friends to LAPTASTIC.#LAPDANCING LAP & POLEDANCING CLUBS WANTED, We have over 1500 Dancers on our agency books, if your a club feel free to contact …
Up to date Jobs with LAPTASTIC for LAPDANCING, save money on house fees find the perfect job if your a stripper or a POLEDANCER. Work in many destinations, Norway, Belgium, Paris, Marbella, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria. LAPDANCERS always wanted for our agency, latest jobs for March 2018 published on LAPTASTIC NEWS SECTION. Follow us on Facebook and twitter using the HASHTAG#LAPDANCING Sign up for free whilst you can from the homepage on WWW.LAPTASTIC.COM go dancer sign up.

If your a LAPDANCER or a STRIPPER looking for work the be part of our network for LAPDANCING OPPORTUNITIES. We are constantly recruiting in the LAPDANCING & STRIPPING INDUSTRY. Join NOW it is so easy please go to website www.laptastic.com and go to DANCER SIGN UP. Book your ideal Lap Dancing Job in Europe. Call for more details 0044 7831 880218 or 07831 880218.

Fixed Daily Salary 50 euro per day – Lapdance In Belgium – Lapdancers Wanted Now – lapdancing jobs in Belgium, minimum 2 x week contract, accommodation only 5 euro per day. It is located near Kortrjk which has lovely beaches and is on the coast. This small cosy lapdance club in Belgium is run very professional. Book today call Jason 0044 7831 880218 or 07831 880218. Many other Lapdancing clubs with fixed salaries. Go to www.laptastic.com and go to fixed …

Many Lapdancing jobs available now – lapdance jobs available now – Become a lapdancer with Laptastic. Work with Laptastic and work in any lapdance club without a audition. Call Jason now on 07831 880218 for more details. Lap Dance Jobs follow #laptastic on twitter. Sign up to laptastic now please go to https://www.laptastic.com/register-interest and go to dancer sign up. Work with a established stripper agency, be safe and make money.
Many lap dance vacancies with our agency.

To avoid disappointment book with Laptastic, many lapdancing clubs now are getting busy with bookings up to the run up to July, many lapdancing clubs needing lapdancers, book this week so you reserve your place in the lapdancing club of your choice, book now don’t miss out on July madness. Goto www.laptastic.com goto dancer sign up. Poledancing & Stripper jobs in many locations with the leading strip club agency.