First Clubs to Open after Lockdown Hi Girls hope your staying safe amid this Covid 19 Pandemic. It will take a good while until things return to normality. In the meantime it is important you stay safe and make use of your free time. Laptastic expects the UK to be the very last clubs to re open. But please keep your eye on this page as updates will be starting to go up on here every week with the good …
Strip Club Jobs Brussels Belgium

Daily Fixed Pay 50 euro & Accommodation only 5 euro per day Stripper Jobs now available in Brussels Belgium. This Strip Club offers a daily fix salary of 50 euro per day plus commissions on lap dances and drinks. The payment day is usually on Wednesday every week. The opening days are from Tuesday to Saturday from 22:00 to 5 or 6 o’clock in the morning. Sometimes it can be a little longer only when the club has very good …

Jobs for Lapdancer`s are now available at After 8 Luton. This club is very fair with dancers. Arrive earliest 9.30 pm Friday and Saturday finish 5 am Dressed and ready by 10 pm. Open Wednesday & Thursday 9 30 pm to 3 am. House fees: Wed £10, Thursday £10, Friday £30, Sat £30. Dress code; lingerie only with high heels shoes no dresses. Weekend first time visit house fee £20 instead of £30 Also on a weekday if dancer does …

Metropolis Lapdance Club in London is now hiring lapdancer`s. The club is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 pm to 3 am. There is no specific dress code at the club just bring dress, underwear and look glam. Make decent money working as a lap dancer at Metropolis. Dancers need to be on the floor by 9 pm so you need to be at club for 8 30 pm the very latest 8 45 pm and bring house …

Marbella Golfing Season has arrived and many golfers frequently visit the Costa Del Sol and play golf on many of the Golf Courses. In the evening they go partying and spend money in Strip Clubs in Marbella. This Club has now vacancies for Lap Dancers and requires good looking professional dancers with the correct attitude and only wants dancers that want to work and make money. The Club offers accommodation for only 70 euro per week, and on arrival you need to …
Lap Dancer Jobs – New Dancers Required

Our Agency now requires new faces for our Lap Dancing Agency, We have many Lap Dancer Jobs in Many UK Clubs, some with no house fee to pay. It is the start of the year so lets get your purses full of money this year. Good reliable Lap and Pole dancers wanted to work in Lap Dancing Clubs in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Essex, Croydon, Brighton, Leicester and many more. Sign up to Laptastic today go www.laptastic.com and go dancer sign …
Lap Dancer Jobs In Marbella

Marbella Lap Dancing Club Re Opens From January 15th 2019, Dancers are needed for the Start of a new season. Only good reliable dancers needed that want to work with no dramas. Accommodation is available for 70 euro per week, you must pay your first 2 x weeks accommodation on arrival. Stripper Jobs in Marbella available from the 15th January 2019 book now call 0044 7831 880218.
Striptease Jobs In Europe

Now is the time when many strippers start to join the network of wanting to work in striptease clubs again, the summer has gone and now is autumn. The winter will pass but hey it is the run up to Christmas and more and more strippers and lap dancers want start to work again. The same old story many dancers go missing for a while as they have made enough money in these periods and they awake to the fact that …

Just to update all lap dancers that on the 3rd November 2018 is a great opportunity for you to make some good money in Marburg Germany as it is hosting another Lap Dancing Party. All the details for this lap dancing Club is on the website https://www.laptastic.com/germany-marburg/ The club always has a Big Party once a month and apparently this one in November is going to be a big one. You get daily pay and also can receive airfare allowance, accommodation is close by so no …
Lap dancer Jobs Update

As a Agency we have many dancers that actually work as a lap dancer with us on a regular basis and are recognised with us and have established themselves by being reliable and turning up for work. I would like to thank these dancers for this. At the moment we offer free sign ups to dancers, but of late dancers have signed up and failed to go on their approved booking. Now because of this, for all new dancers now they …