LAPDANCERS WANTED NOW, many jobs available for the professional LAPDANCER. Work in London, Manchester, Essex, Watford, Leicester, Croydon, join our fast growing agency now it is free and work in LAPDANCING clubs in the UK for free no house fee in some of the clubs. There are only a few LAPDANCE CLUBS in the United Kingdom that offer accommodation. The Watford club offers free accommodation if you work 6 x nights a week. Derby has accommodation for only £15 per night. …
Flight allowance paid of up to 150 euro if you fly out this week between the 9th and 14th April 2018. LAPDANCERS needed especially for the big party this week at the weekend. You take a flight to Frankfurt airport then you catch a train to Marburg where you will be collected. From the response of all dancers that have worked previously at this club it is well run and professional and the management take good care of all artists that work there. LAPTASTIC need at …

BABY PLATINUM MANCHESTER IS HIRING LAPDANCERS, The best LAPDANCE CLUB IN MANCHESTER is now recruiting staff, work up to 7 days and you do not pay any house fee and is open 7 x days a week, dancers wanted to work also in DERBY PLATINUM, accommodation is available in DERBY at only £10.00 per night. Our third club BABY PLATINUM IN WIGAN also require LAPDANCERS. Lap Dance Jobs at Baby Platinum. We offer the same deal for all new dancers no house fee …
If you are a LAPDANCER looking for all the best STRIPCLUBS then you have come to the right place. Weekly events, private parties, many DANCE clubs to work in POLEDANCING & TABLE DANCING throughout EUROPE. English Dancers & Romanian, Hungarian also wanted, we require good work ethic and reliability from all dancers. Work under the LAPTASTIC PROTECTION SCHEME. Enjoy what you do and make a good income. Be part of our success, JOIN TODAY.
Dancer Positions Available now in Manchester – Baby Platinum is now Recruiting in Manchester
Book your place to work in Baby Platinum Manchester they are now recruiting for LAPDANCERS and want you to work there. They offer a no house fee deal for you to work there for up to one week, so take advantage now of this offer and book in through LAPTASTIC. Call Jason today 07831 880218 and book your LAPDANCING JOB TODAY 07831 880218. Sign Up To Laptastic Dance Agency
LAPTASTIC the leading LAPDANCING AGENCY will have more venues coming soon in the UK & EUROPE, Fixed salary jobs available. SIGN UP NOW FOR FREE TO LAPTASTIC go and go dancer sign up. Introduce your dancer friends to our agency and work together. Benefits of being a dancer in our agency include accommodation deals and no house fees and work without audition. Most contracts abroad a minimum 2 x weeks. Germany Marburg is a current contract offering 70 to 100 …
Book today to work as a LAPDANCER with LAPTASTIC accommodation is free if you work 6 x nights a week a deposit of £100 is required and is refundable, book your shifts to work In Watford Diamonds & Strings today call Jason 07831 880218. Katz in Essex also need dancers with LAPTASTIC.

Join the leading agency for STRIP & POLEDANCERS FOR NEW YEAR 2018, bring your friend with you have fun and enjoy LAP DANCING & STRIPPING JOBS WITH US. Join LAPTASTIC TODAY. Only dancers with reliability and none excuse, only dancers must apply for our agency that understand what the business is, some nights you make and some nights you do not. Good COMMISSION PAID for the correct LAPDANCER, times have changed and so has our agency last minute cancellations are no longer tolerated but …

Work in Leicester lapdance club a well established lapdancing club now requires lapdancers, accommodation is only £50 for 3 x nights or £80.00 to stay in accommodation for a full week and free transportation to the club and back to the accommodation. There is also no house fee so just pay commission. Lap Dancer Jobs in Leicester. Laptastic has Lapdancers lapdancing in Leicester at on a regular basis, now with Xmas now approaching it is important for lapdancers to stay at …

Fixed Daily Salary 50 euro per day – Lapdance In Belgium – Lapdancers Wanted Now – lapdancing jobs in Belgium, minimum 2 x week contract, accommodation only 5 euro per day. It is located near Kortrjk which has lovely beaches and is on the coast. This small cosy lapdance club in Belgium is run very professional. Book today call Jason 0044 7831 880218 or 07831 880218. Many other Lapdancing clubs with fixed salaries. Go to and go to fixed …