LAPDANCING DEAL with Hustler Club in Croydon, it is a regular popular club, LAPTASTIC offers this no house fee deal to all new members to LATASTIC that has not danced before at HUSTLER CLUB. We have other house fee deals where you do not pay until you make so many dances. Lap dancers wanted now for London Hustler Club in Croydon. Lap dancer jobs available now at Hustler Club in Croydon. For more details look at https://www.laptastic.com/england-london-croydon-ref-01 More jobs coming for LAPDANCERS in the NORTH …

To work this week ahead you need to book your shifts by 9pm on a MONDAY every week to be guaranteed your LAPDANCE work. Lap dancer jobs available every week in many UK Lap Dancing Clubs. Shifts available in Manchester, Midlands, London and Southern areas. LAPTASTIC HAS NO house fee deals this week. Clubs in Aberdeen are needing dancers too with accommodation. Dancers get involved in our STAG PARTYS too coming soon. Work abroad with fixed salary jobs also available.
LAPTASTIC the leading LAPDANCING AGENCY will have more venues coming soon in the UK & EUROPE, Fixed salary jobs available. SIGN UP NOW FOR FREE TO LAPTASTIC go www.laptastic.com and go dancer sign up. Introduce your dancer friends to our agency and work together. Benefits of being a dancer in our agency include accommodation deals and no house fees and work without audition. Most contracts abroad a minimum 2 x weeks. Germany Marburg is a current contract offering 70 to 100 …
Get ready for summer – get away and dance to some lovely destinations – LAPDANCE ABROAD THIS SUMMER
Summer is coming soon and LAPTASTIC will be offering contracts in LAPDANCE clubs in Ibiza, Marbella, Portugal & other areas of Spain. Accommodation provided, many other contracts will be coming soon follow LAPTASTIC on twitter #LAPDANCING Sign up to LAPTASTIC go to the website www.laptastic.com and go to dancer sign up. Fixed salary jobs available introduce your dancer friends to LAPTASTIC.#LAPDANCING LAP & POLEDANCING CLUBS WANTED, We have over 1500 Dancers on our agency books, if your a club feel free to contact …
Aberdeen is the oil capital of the UK and has frequent visitors from all over the world, this club in Aberdeen now has vacancies for experienced LAPDANCERS. Accommodation is only £15.00 per night the club is open over the Christmas period and also open over the new year. This venue takes just 30% commission and needs LAPDANCERS NOW. Call Jason 07831 880218 to make your booking. The club has being newly refurbished and is getting a gathering of good regular …