The next available Pole & Lap Dancing jobs in Belgium are available from the 13th August, now our stripper agency only has 3 x positions available from that date and the minimum contract is for 2 x weeks. In order for you to find a good price for you flight ticket it is best that you make the booking well in advance rather than leave it until the last minute. This Lap dancing club offers a fixed salary of 50 …

Join the leading agency for STRIP & POLEDANCERS FOR NEW YEAR 2018, bring your friend with you have fun and enjoy LAP DANCING & STRIPPING JOBS WITH US. Join LAPTASTIC TODAY. Only dancers with reliability and none excuse, only dancers must apply for our agency that understand what the business is, some nights you make and some nights you do not. Good COMMISSION PAID for the correct LAPDANCER, times have changed and so has our agency last minute cancellations are no longer tolerated but …