Top Lap dancing Club in London has Lapdancing Jobs -Exclusive London Lapdance Club has Vacancies for Lap dancers now – Lapdance in Canary Wharf in London – Lapdance jobs available now
Vacancies are now available for Exclusive Club in Canary Wharf. Good money to be made, a lapdancer made £475.00 on a Monday night, very nice management and fair deals with house fees if you do not make money then reductions are given.
Lapdance at Majingos Lapdance club with Laptastic no auditions, book your shift today through Laptastic.
Call Jason 07831 880218.
Book now to work at Majingos Gentleman Club in London.
Choice of more lapdancing clubs available in London.
Sign up to Laptastic today go to and go to dancer sign up.
Book Early for Lapdance shifts for the week, do you want to work in London this week.